Wrapping It Up
Gifts for All Occasions
Featuring Gourmet Eats, Sweets and Treats
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What did you say is happening on Saturday, September 17th??
The Village of Amityville is holding its annual Septemberfest. Heard there will be music, a sidewalk sale, arts and antiques, fashion show, dance performance, a farmers' market and more.
What time?
Sounds like fun, don't you think??!!
Anything doing for Halloween?
Well, I heard the Ragamuffin Parade will take place at 10 a.m. at the Memorial Park. From 11-3, participating merchants will be handing out candy to the kids in their stores. Look for the orange sign in their window.

Don't you just love Dr. Oz, and who doesn't love Oprah? They are both endorsing Cherry Marzipan tea from Tea Forte.
I do love them . . . how come they are endorsing it?
"They work with the body's chemistry to help protect and take care of the skin from within." According to the Journal of Nutrition, "Consumption of green tea compounds help support improvements in women's skin elasticity, density, texture and hydration.
Wrapping It Up carries Tea Forte products.